Thursday, February 9, 2012

TFC Targetroids

I never really paid attention (well, not too much attention, anyway) when these little fellas first came out, but upon seeing TFC's second wave of Targetroids, I think I can safely say that I am hooked. Or, I will be (if you want to be technical about it).

The second wave consists of the Warp vs. Ultra, and the Shadow vs. Thunder twin-packs. Those are TFC-verse's incarnations of Skywarp, Ultra Magnus, Nemesis Prime, and Thundercracker.

What actually caught my eye are the Seekers. The detail in each of these figs is already outstanding on its own, but seeing the 3 Seekers completed is just too good to pass on. Besides, these Targetroids' alt-modes make for wicked weapons for their respective deluxe-class or even Binaltech versions.

Yup. Too good, make that "too awesome", to pass on.

It's even greater to know that since the line is relatively new, I just missed on the first wave — those of Opticmax vs. Megashoton, and Hot Flame vs. Screamer. Needless to say that they're just Optimus Prime, Megatron, Hot Rod, and Starscream, albeit with cheesy namesakes.

One can forgive the other three's names, but "Megashoton"? That name is just overly queer!

By the way, TFC, can you make your images a tad brighter next time?

Hit the links below for the bigger and more images.

Wave 2 images
Wave 1 images

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